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I Was Slapped By A Fan In Public – Lepa Shandy

Nollywood actress, Folashade Omoniyi-Adewale popularly known as Lepa Shandy tells us about her marriage and other related matters. In this interview with Debola's Blog, she speaks about movies, fan and family

You’ve not been acting as frequently as you once did and a lot of your fans are complaining. What took you off the set?

When they stopped seeing me, I was not staying in Nigeria then. In my last trip to Nigeria before I left for the UK, I realised that new actresses were coming into the industry and should be given opportunities to prove themselves and showcase their talent.

Before we became stars, we were given the opportunity to prove ourselves and today, we are movie stars. It’s a normal thing that happens in life. You do your best and give room for other people to shine. People have been looking for me in the industry; it gives me joy that I’m still relevant.

Apart from movie productions, are you into other business?

Yes, I do buying and selling once in a while.

Could you share your marriage experience with us?

I’ve stopped talking about my marriage but I’ll give God the glory.

You celebrated your 45 birthday in April, what is the significance of tha age?

As you grow older, you are learning more. Despite the fact that people will say you’re not looking your age, but I know that I am growing old. I give God the glory for being with me till now. That’s why I want people to celebrate my life with me.

The Bible says we should count our days, so that it could lead our path into wisdom. Since my fans have been missing me in movies, it prompted me to celebrate my birthday coupled with the premiere of my new movie.

When was the high point of your career?

The high point of my career was when I wanted to go and see somebody and I didn’t really recognise her, but to God be the glory, I met her and the door was opened. Anywhere I go, God always opens doors for me.

What about the low points?

They are many. First is the press, you guys can’t be avoided. I used to feel bad when they wrote bad stories about me but someone told me that I have to develop a thick skin or else I won’t grow.

And that has really helped me. Since you can’t avoid journalists, you can’t also avoid your fans. It’s either they embarrass you or they hug you; there is nothing you can do about it.

The fact that you can’t do whatever you like in public is another headache. Also, people will want to see you looking good every time, that’s not natural because at times, your mood might determine your looks. One can’t be in sorrowful mood and you expect him/her to be gorgeously dressed.

How passionate are you about fashion?

I’m a very simple person. I’m a denim person, but if it’s necessary, I can dress gorgeously. Fashion to me is simplicity.

How about jewelery?

I have to go with the trend. It depends on the kind of attire I wear that will determine my kind of jewelery. I don’t wear jewelery but I have a simple necklace I use when it’s necessary.

What has been your most embarrassing moment on the job?

There was a day I was driving from Family Ties location in Ikorodu and when I got to Ketu, I was held up in a traffic jam and I was the only one in the car. I didn’t know where these ‘area boys’ came from, and they were threatening to collect money from me. I had some money on me but I was scared based on the fact that I might be robbed. I was embarrassed and confused.

How many were they?

They were six and it was in the morning. One mobile police officer that was behind my car came to my rescue. He shot into the air to scare them away from me. I was so scared that I had to drive roughly. The mobile police man even led me to Anthony before we departed. Also because of the role of a prostitute I played in “Lepa Shandy”, the movie that shot me into limelight, some guys reacted negatively to it.

I didn’t have a car then and I was moving towards a destination when a guy approached me and said: “hello Lepa, I tried to ignore him, he was just raining abuses on me, that he was calling me and I didn’t answer him. He said: “are you not the prostitute that a lot of guys slept with in “Lepa Shandy” movie. In trying to avoid him, he slapped me.

Which beauty items do you cherish most?

My lips gloss and powder.

What’s your driving force?

When I see Toyin Asewo-to-re-Mecca, Sola Sobowale, and others, I still feel I have some big sisters in the industry. But truly, my driving force is God and my father instilled some principles in me when I was much younger.

Which clothing item would you never be caught wearing?

Bikini or wearing panties and bra in public

Do you engage in any physical exercise?

I don’t do it except when I’m driving. Driving on its own is an exercise because you use every part of your body to drive.

How romantic are you?

Only my husband can tell you, you may have to ask him.

Could you do crazy things with your man just to create an excitement?

I could do crazy things with my man. That’s not romance, do you want other ladies to snatch him from me?

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