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'Bill Raped Me' - Donald Trump Brings 4 Of Bill Clinton 'Sex Victims' Accusers To The Debate (Photos)

L-R) Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Donald Trump, Kathy Shelton and Paula Jones
In a desperate attempt to salvage his image,Donald Trump had a press conference with Bill Clinton's alleged 'sex victims'.
The meeting with the four women,took place shortly before the presidential debate meeting .
Trump introduced the women, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathy Shelton and Paula Jones – in St. Louis as reporters shouted questions about a new audio recording of Trump saying vulgar things about women 11 years ago.

Broaddrick, an Arkansas nursing home administrator who has accused Bill Clinton of forcibly raping her when he was the state's attorney general, said that 'actions speak louder than words.'

'Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me. And Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don't think there's any comparison.' Shelton said..

At 12 years old Hillary put me through something that you would never put a 12-year-old through,' Shelton said.
'And she says she's for women and children. And she was asked last year what happened, and she said she's supposed to defend [clients] whether they did it or not. Now she's laughing on tape, saying she –'.

Shelton, overcome with emotion, stopped speaking.

'You went through a lot,' Trump said.
'Yes sir, I did,' she answered.Jones, who won an $800,000 lawsuit settlement after accusing Bill Clinton of sexual harassment, said she supported Trump:

'I think everybody else should vote for him ... he's a good person. He's not what other people have been saying he's being, like Hillary.'And Willey, pointed fingers at Bill Clinton for allegedly groping her in a room near the Oval Office

Reuters /AP

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