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Tope Alabi Reveals Her Best Secrets

On Thursday October 27, 2016 marks the 46th birthday of popular Gospel Singer, Tope Alabi, also known as ‘Ore Ti O Common’. Born on 27 October 1970 in Ogun, Nigeria; multi-talented singer, film music composer and actress, Alabi is arguably one of the most controversial singers in Nigeria most especially during the wake of her imbroglio with her god-father, late Pastor Elijah Ola Ajanaku, the General Overseer of Christ Victory Chapel International, Ayobo, Lagos.

Highlighting her most kept secrets cum scandals;

A Secret Love Child: According to a report by Nigerian Films, the artiste who is married to her manager, Soji Alabi, had a child before entering the union which produced three children.

This exclusive revelation is said to be shrouded in utmost secrecy, as it is only known to the musician’s very close family members “Unknown to many, Tope Alabi has a love child though the child is now adopted by her husband who also doubles as her manager,” a source disclosed.

It was further learnt that the singer’s secret child (a 20-year-old female), was conceived when the ‘Eru Ogo’ crooner was 24-years old, but the man responsible rejected it.” She was said to be a member of a Yoruba theater group as an aspiring actress when she met the father of the child.

Said To Be A Cult Member: Global News, one of Nigeria’s leading soft-sell Magazine reported in 2014 that, an insider from Tope Alabi god-father’s church, alleged that Tope and her pastor belong to the same cult and that a particular disagreement in the cult over the next person in line to be used as sacrifice might have been the real reason for their break up. The source said, “Tope who saw herself as a younger person could not fathom why her ‘spiritual father’ should be alive while she died.” As a result of this, Ajanaku’s camp was always accusing that of Tope of being wayward and shady-dealing, while that of Tope will also retaliated that the pastor’s hands were not clean and before they could settle their rift, Ajanaku died.

Drug Peddling? Some rumour-mongers also alleged that Tope was caught some times ago as she was allegedly trying to travel cocaine. Although she denied such rumour, claiming she only went to Canada and some other countries to perform.

Cause Of Her Dwindling Career Unveiled: when she started professionally in 2001 with an album titled ‘Ore Ti O Common’ this followed up with 7 other successful albums but, Tope’s career began to nose-dive since her pastor placed a curse on her. Late Pastor Ajanaku said before her demise that, “you know that when you switch off a fan, it doesn’t stop immediately. It stops gradually and that is how Tope’s career is going to be because I just switched her off”. Haaa! What a pronouncement from someone’s spiritual god-father.

She Is A Mermaid? Tope was on a foreign musical tour when news surfaced back here in Nigeria that she just released an audio tape where she confessed to be a mermaid. She told news men about it on her return that; “I didn’t believe it because I felt it was just one of those media stunts. So, I just waved the whole thing aside. It was when I got home and another pastor called me and said he just got the tape and that I was the one. I was dumbfounded. So, I asked him to please play it for me. To my greatest surprise, I actually listened to it over the phone and I just sat there. The voice was exactly my voice. But I just can’t explain how the person did it. The only confession I have ever done and will continue to do is the gospel of Christ”. So, whose voice was it?

Controversy That Nearly Submerged Her: Tope’s prophet revealed that his trouble with her started because of sex. He said he met her 11 years ago when she came to church crying that since she was married she had no child. He said; “I’m wondering if she’s being foolish or just stupid. I remember when she was putting pressure on me to have sex with her. She did not hide her urge to have sexual relationship with me. At a point she could not control her urge to do that but I declined, I said never, not me. Ask these people here and they would all confirm what I’m telling you.” Although, she denied it but, the allegation really shook her ministry.

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