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Photos: Sick Teenager Who Posted Gruesome Murder Of 9 Year Old Boy On Dark Web Is Arrested

A teenage 'thrill killer' accused of murdering a nine-year-old boy shared on whatsapp while boasting to a friend: 'I know that people die slowly when you slaughter them.'

Marcel Hesse was arrested last night after he was suspected of luring a young neighbour called Jaden into a cellar in Herne, Germany on Monday and stabbing him 56 times.
The 19-year-old is believed to have taken video and photos of the murder before posting it on the 'Dark Web' of the Internet and going on the run sparking a massive police manhunt.

Harrowing images he shared with a friend on whatsapp - and that were later posted on the Dark Web - are believed to show him brandishing a knife.
In one posting in an internet chat room, he wrote:

'I have cut myself in the hand as I fought the 120kg beast'. Further pictures show him washing a knife and posing for a selfie with blood on his hands.After his arrest last night, he alerted police a burning flat nearby where they discovered the body of a man - believed to be Hesse's second victim.

Hesse wandered into a fast-food outlet before telling staff:

'I am the man they are looking for.' 

A neighbour of the burning apartment said a young man lived there alone, visited from time to time by his mother.
Reinhard Peters, lawyer for the family of Jaden, said:
'The family is relieved that he has been captured alive to await the full punishment of the law for his crime.'
Jaden was found in a huge pool of blood by his stepfather.

'The picture of my stepson lying there dead....I will never forget this,' said Pascal R., 34, who found the boy dead from numerous stab wounds on Monday evening. 'I found him lying in a giant lake of his own blood.'
Police say Hesse, a martial arts fanatic, lured Jaden into the house and then into the cellar where he recorded his brutal murder. It is unclear whether there was a sexual motive.

Detectives on a specially formed murder squad believe he may have killed another person. They said he appeared on an Internet chat room in the hours following the killing to say he had attacked a woman., adding; 'She offered more resistance than the child.'
Daily Mail UK

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