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Billy Graham Daily Devotional Friday April 21 2017 - Love in Action

TOPIC- Love in Action
Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ . . . 
—Ephesians 5:2 (TLB)

There is no doubt that we need social reform. If success is ever to be realized, our generations must work together and listen to each other, which is one of the first requirements of cooperation. At this point, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is relevant as the great reconciler. The Apostle John, in his first epistle, declared, “To you, young men, I have written,” and, “To you, fathers, I have written.” This is to the young activists and to the old guard, “It is by this that we know what love is: that Christ laid down His life for us. And we in our turn are bound to lay down our lives for our brothers. But if a man has enough to live on, and yet when he sees his brother in need shuts up his heart against him, how can it be said that the divine love dwells in him? My children, love must not be a matter of words or talk; it must be genuine, and show itself in action. This is how we may know that we belong to the realm of truth” (1 John 3:16-19, NEB).Billy Graham Daily Devotional April 21 2017- Love in Action 

Prayer for the day
Father, when someone disagrees with my opinions, may my love not be determined by rhetoric, but by the all–encompassing love of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Mr. Graham is regularly listed by the Gallup organization as one of the “Ten Most Admired Men in the World,” whom it described as the dominant figure in that poll since 1948—making an unparalleled 60th appearance and 54th consecutive appearance in 2015. He has also appeared on the covers of Time, Newsweek, Life, U.S. News and World Report, Parade and numerous other magazines and has been the subject of many newspaper and magazine feature articles and books.
Mr. Graham lost his wife of nearly 64 years, Ruth Bell Graham, in June of 2007. Together they had three daughters, two sons, 19 grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren. Mr. Graham resides in their home in the mountains of North Carolina.

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