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'King Of Hearts' Season 1 Episode 177 Recap - Aired: Monday 03 April 2017

Sid lays on the floor bleeding.
Kunal rides on his bike and fights the thugs off.

Roshni is glad to see him.
She cradles Sid's head in her lap and calls the police.

She calls the police.

Kunal continues to fight the thugs.

They soon overpower him and he lays unconscious on the floor.
Sid gets up to fight the thugs.

The police arrive and the thugs run away.

In DD's house, the doorbell rings and Bansi tells DD to answer it.
DD opens the door and Sid brings a bruised Kunal in.
Roshni and some policemen follow.

Bansi asks what happened to Kunal.
The police say they will find the people who attacked him.

A doctor comes to the house to attend to Kunal.

Roshni is cleaning Sid's head wound.
Bansi goes to ask her if she's not worried about Kunal.

Roshni says Sid is her husband and Kunal is her friend.

Kunal starts calling for Roshni.
She runs to his bedside.

Bansi tells Roshni that when she was little, she almost fell from a mango tree and Kunal saved her life.

Grandmother tells her it was a long time ago.
Bansi says it doesn't matter.

The doctor wants to attend to Sid but Sid says it's a little wound he can take care of.
DD tells the Roshni to look after the wound.

As Roshni moves towards Sid, Kunal groans and Roshni goes to him instead.
Sid tells himself that Kunal is up to something.

At night, Sid is alone in the living room.
Premal walks in and asks him why he can't just leave their lives forever, he's not worthy of Roshni because he can't protect her.
Sid drops his phone on the phone and tells Premal to sit on the table opposite him.
Premal sits and puts his phone beside Sid's.
Sid tells him to pronounce Roshni's name.
Premal pronounces it as Rosni.
Sid tells him to learn to pronounce the name properly before telling him about how to be a good son in law.

Premal gets up and leaves.

Sid hears the phone ring and he answers.
A man tells him that he and his members fulfilled their part but he should tell his son to act properly next time because he beat his men too badly.

Sid realises it's Premal's phone and it means he and his family planned the attack.

As he gets up to leave, he runs into Bansi.
Bansi tells him that she knows he has a lot of questions.
She points towards the terrace and Sid sees Roshni talking to Kunal.
Bansi says that was why she did what she did, so that Roshni can get close to her real husband and Kunal will not stop till he gets Roshni to accept he's the only one for her and fulfill what the horoscopes revealed a long time ago.
She warns that if he tells Roshni the truth, she will deny it and she will also expose DD's secrets.

Sid goes to DD and Grandmother and tells them what Bansi said.
Grandmother says they never got Roshni's horoscope done.
Sid says they need to find out what is written in the horoscope and and if it's a money issue, they can sort it out.
He gets a mischievous look in his eyes and DD tells grandmother that Sid must have come up with a crazy idea.

At night, Premal is in bed, sleeping.
Sid sneaks into his room and whistles, hiding behind the bed.

Premal opens his eyes and sees a necklace dangling in front of him.
He wakes up in fear and asks if anyone is there.

He sees a shadow by the window then the door opens and smoke fills the room.
The figure he saw enters the room.
It is covered in white cloth from head to toe and holding a candle.

He asks the figure who it is.
Sid is still hiding behind his bed.

The figure says she's the ghost of his dead wife; she always served him and did all he said but he and his mother hit her so bad that she died.

Premal apologises to her.
She asks why he's making their son get married to a woman he doesn't even love.
He says he's doing it for the horoscope, it states that Roshni would bring them good luck and if he doesn't live with them, they would be poor forever.

Sid hits him from behind.

DD is the person pretending to be a ghost.
She blows out the candle and leaves the room.
Premal thinks the ghost has disappeared.
He covers his head in fear.

Sid is in DD's room.
He says they need to convince Bansi and her family that Roshni will ruin them and not bring them the luck they think.
He tells DD to sit and enjoy the drama.

The next day, Bansi gives Premal some money and tells him to get gold coins and gifts for everyone in the family.
Premal asks why she's giving himself so much.
He makes sure Roshni can hear him.
Bansi says the goddess of fortune is coming to their place so they need to celebrate with a lot of fanfare.
She looks at Roshni too as she speaks.
She tells him to count the money first.
Sid enters and and sees him counting.

Roshni calls Sid to take the prayer offering.
Sid says it's favourable to take the offering first.

Premal runs to Roshni and says he needs to take the offering first as he's going out.
Sid sticks out his leg and Premal trips.
The offering platter flies off and the fire lands on the money Premal was holding.

Premal calls Bansi to see all the money got burnt.
He tells himself that it's a bad omen.

Simran comes with Kritika and her lawyer to Raj's office.
The lawyer hands a document to Raj and says Simran wants to divorce him.
Raj goes off on the lawyer but Simran says she wants to leave him with Shakun.
Raj says she doesn't understand what he's been trying to tell her.
Simran and Kritika leave the office.

Raj blames Sid for what's happening.

Bansi is with Kunal in his room.
She assures him that in a few days, Roshni would be his.

Premal returns home with the gifts.
He gives Bansi a pouch with the gold coins.
Bansi brings the coins out and holds them.

Sid is watching them.

Roshni enters the room.
Sid sends a toy black crow into the room and controls the string from outside.
The crow almost lands on Roshni's head.
She slips and bumps Bansi
The gold coins fly out of Bansi's hand and out of the window.

They all panic.

Sid makes the crow sit on Roshni's head.
She screams and runs out of the room.

Premal tells Bansi that it's a bad omen.

Kunal sees the string Sid used in controlling the crow.
He gets to the door and sees Sid's shadow as he walks away.
He doesn't say anything to Premal and Bansi.

Simran packs her things into a bag and ignores Raj as he begs her to stay.
It is obvious she is pretending to be divorcing him so she can get him to tell her what really happened.
She tells Shakun that she knows she will take care of Raj.
She gives her some clothes and leave.

Raj tries to call Sid's phone to tell him what's going on.

Pintu calls Sid to let him know Bansi's family lost their land in the village.
Sid decides to use it to his advantage.
He tells Pintu to call Premal's phone then he tells Roshni who just walked in, to pick up the phone.
Roshni says it's Premal's phone.
Premal enters the room and takes the phone from her.
He's shocked to hear about their land.
He blames Roshni for picking up the phone.

He goes to Bansi and Kunal to let them know they've lost their land.
He says Roshni is bringing so much bad luck since Sid came into her life.

Next day, DD and Sid are by the pool.
She tells him his plan is a good one and they just need to make Bansi and her family believe Roshni is bad luck.
Sid says he's sure Bansi and her family will also come up with something of their own, so they need to be ready and clever.
DD agrees and leaves.

Sid gets a call from Pintu's phone.
A doctor tells him that his number was the last one Pintu dialed that's why he's calling him because Pintu was brought to the hospital badly beaten and needs someone to look after him.

Sid says he will be there.

He calls Sundari's phone and begs her to go to Nerona to bring Pintu back.
He says he's sending a car to her and medical supplies.

Kunal enters the terrace and tells him not to worry because his people will look after Pintu in Nerona.
Sid grabs him and threatens that if anything happens to Pintu, he won't spare him.
Kunal says if Sid does anything to him, Roshni will come to look after him.
He tells Sid to just forget about Roshni.
Sid tells him he has dealt with many people like him and he has overcome all of them, so Kunal cannot do anything to him.
Kunal swears that Roshni will be his and Sid is only her second husband.
He says if he wants, he can slap Roshni and drag her forcefully away.

Sid raises his hand to slap him but stops himself.
He warns that if Kunal ever talks about harming Roshni again, he will expose him and Roshni would not want to be friends again.
Kunal says he has loved Roshni for 17 years and God chose him to be with her.
Sid says love is not about time but about the heart; even the Almighty couldn't separate he and Roshni.
Kunal says they should have a competition to see who is better for Roshni and in 2 days, whoever wins, gets her.
He says if he loses, then he would leave the house for good but if Sid loses, he has to leave.
Sid says Roshni would decide who stays in the end out of the two of them.

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