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'Tinsel' Season 9 Episode 2006 Recap - Aired: Friday 31 March 2017

Damini is at work.
He tries Bimpe's number but no response.

She arrives and he asks where she has been.
He asks what's wrong.
She says there's nothing.
He says he's been trying to reach her all day.
She checks her phone and says she was indisposed.
Damini gives her a questioning look,
She says she's there to work and promises to work twice as hard to make up for lost times.

Alexis and Serena are lying in bed.

Zane gets to the hotel and tells Alexis to get up and get dressed.
Alexis says she wants to stay with mummy.
He tells her to go to the bathroom.
She tries to protest and he yells at her.
Serena tells him not to terrorise her daughter.
Zane asks why she's manipulating Alexis.
She asks if he thinks she would stand by and watch another woman take her daughter.
Zane says she can never have him again and he needs time to bond with his daughter.
He says Alexis is coming with. him.
As he heads for the bathroom, Serena blocks the way.

Damini goes to Bimpe.
She asks if she can help with something.
He asks what the problem is and why she's so distant.
Bimpe says she wants to face her work.
He tells her to forget about work; is this how she treats people who care about her?
She ignores him.

He dumps huge files on her desk and orders her to work.
He walks out, leaving a sad Bimpe behind.

Laide begs St. John to watch Ife for her.
He asks where she's going.
She says she's going to see Yaya.
He asks if she has spoken to Sheila.
Laide says she tried but she can't believe Sheila didn't even get a lawyer for Yaya.
St. John says he knows Sheila has the best intentions.
Laide says she can't sit and do nothing, so she will at least sort out the lawyer issue.

Freddie asks Laide if he can go with her as he knows she's going to see Yaya.
Laide says he's not supposed to eavesdrop.
He begs her to allow him come.
Laide says she doesn't want trouble with Sheila.
Freddie says it might be the only chance to look Yaya in the eye and apologise.
Laide gives in.

Zane moves Serena out of the way.
Alexis comes out of the bathroom, crying.
Zane begs her to stop.
She accuses him of always shouting at her mummy.
He says in time she will get to know that everything he does is for her good

Alexis says she won't follow him until he apologises to her mummy.
Zane tells Serena he's sorry; he wants the best for his daughter and he will do his best to ensure Alexis is never far from Serena.
He holds Serena's hand and Alexis is happy.

Damini is back at work.
He tells Bimpe she wins, she should just tell him what he has done.
She asks if she said he did anything.
He sits on her desk and says he didn't expect their fight to be like this.
He tries to touch her but she yells at him to leave her alone.
He asks if this is how she behaves to someone she's with.
She says maybe she doesn't want to be with him.
He tries to get close to her again but she says she's serious and they are over.

Nero calls Sheila to apologise for his behaviour the last time they saw.
She says it's okay.
He says he has given some thought to what she said about Masters and now he understands what she's trying to do.
She says she appreciates it.
She tells him Masters was there.
He says he hopes he didn't do anything.
She says he issued threats and she has a feeling it's the last one she would get.

Nero says he would talk to Masters.

Alexis and Zane return to Brenda's place.
Zane goes into the bedroom, leaving Alexis and Brenda alone.

Brenda asks Alexis if they are friends.
Alexis says they are.
Brenda says she wants her to be happy.
Alexis says she doesn't want to talk about it.
Brenda says friends share secrets.
Alexis says she wants to ask her for a favour but not to tell anyone.
Brenda asks what.
Alexis says she wants Brenda to leave her daddy alone.

Brenda asks if she hates her.
Alexis says she doesn't hate her, it's her mummy; if Brenda takes her daddy away, her mummy would be in big trouble.
Brenda asks her why.

Zane returns to the living room and Alexis changes the story to a dream she had about all of them in the world being animals.

Brenda tells Alexis to come to the room with her, so they can have some girl talk.

Laide and Freddie get to the police station.
Yaya is brought in to see them.

Yaya says Laide shouldn't have brought Freddie because she doesn't want him to see her like this.
Laide says they organised a lawyer.
Yaya asks if Sheila is coming with the lawyer.
Laide says no.
Yaya asks why she's helping her.
Laide says she knows what it feels like to be abandoned.
Freddie says he's really sorry for all he said to her.
Yaya hugs him and apologises for not being a better role model.

Bimpe returns home.
Telema asks how it was at the office.
Bimpe breaks down in tears.
Telema asks what happened.
Bimpe says it's over, she broke up with Damini but it's a long story she doesn't want to go into.
Telema asks if he wasn't good to her.
Bimpe says he was great.
Telema asks why break up with him.

Brenda asks Alexis what she meant.
Alexis says if Brenda takes daddy, he won't look after her mummy again.
Brenda says he would.
Alexis says chief would come and look for her mummy.
Brenda says Chief is dead.
Alexis says he's alive and looking for them.

Coach hides to take a call from Tsav.
Tsav asks if the police have been to see him.
Coach says no.
Tsav says he will be in contact as he needs some favours.

After the call, Coach calls Sheila to tell her Tsav just contacted him.


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