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'Tinsel' Season 9 Episode 2007 Recap - Aired: Monday 03 April 2017

Ene and Chuks are home.
Ene is feeding Amara.
Chuks is writing on a notepad.
Ene asks who will take care of Amara tomorrow.
Chuks says he doesn't know, she should figure it out.
She repeats what he said.
He says she was the cause of all the wahala.
She asks how he could tell her to quit her job.
He says he didn't say that.
She says they need the extra income.
He asks if she's saying he's not capable.
She says they need money for a lot of things.
He says he's going to Ziggy’s.
He drops the pen and pad and walks out.

Brenda and Alexis are still in the bedroom.
Brenda asks Alexis if she's sure her mother's husband is still alive.
Alexis nods.
She asks if Serena broke up with Chief.
Alexis shakes her head.
Brenda asks what happened.
Alexis says they ran away in the middle of the night, he used to beat her mummy and lock her (Alexis) in a cage.
Brenda is dazed.
Alexis says if her daddy sends her mummy away, Chief will find them.

Ene is still home with Amara.

Shoshanna calls Ene on the phone.
Ene warns her not to call again and to even delete her number.

Bimpe walks in.
Ene says between Chuks and Shoshanna, she doesn't know whom to kill first.
Bimpe asks what happened.
Ene says they employed Sho as a nanny but found out she was fooling around in the house with a boy in Amara's presence.

She takes Amara to bed and goes back to Bimpe.

She asks Bimpe if she's okay.
Bimpe says she's fine and asks what Chuks did.
Ene says he told her to quit her job because she was the one who got them in the no nanny wahala.
Bimpe tells her to kill Chuks first but then suggests they talk through it.

Sheila returns home to meet St. John with Ife in the living room.
She tells Cosmo to call Freddie.
Cosmo says Freddie went out with Laide.
St. John says Laide went to see Yaya and he didn't know Freddie was going to go with her.
Sheila gets upset and asks why he didn't call her.
He says he didn't know that was his job.
Sheila apologises.
St. John says he's sure Laide had good intentions.
He tells Cosmo to take Ife away.

He accuses Sheila of refusing to help Yaya and also doesn't want anyone to help.
He asks if it a personal vendetta.

Laide and Freddie are in her car.
She asks if he's okay.
He asks if they can't find a way to help Yaya out; Sheila used to be the one to help.
Laide says maybe Sheila is carrying a lot on her shoulder and she's tired.
Freddie says he also contributed to the load Sheila is carrying.
Laide suggests they concentrate on how they can help out.

Brenda takes Alexis to the living room to meet Zane.
She tells Zane that Serena's husband isn't dead.
Alexis says it was supposed to be their secret.
Brenda says it's a serious issue and the need to include Zane in their secret circle.
She urges Alexis to tell him.
Alexis says chief is alive.
Brenda says Alexis is genuinely worried about Serena's safety because Chief sounds abusive.
Zane gets up.
Alexis tells him not to let mummy know she told him because mummy told her it was a secret.

Chuks returns home.
Ene is in bed.
She gets up to sit on the couch with him.
He asks why it's hard for her to give up her job for her family.
Ene tells him not to annoy her.
He says so it's okay for him to stay at home but not her?
She asks when he ever stayed home.
He reminds her of the time he was running the crèche.
She says he didn't have to quit a job for that.
He says he could have gone out for a job.
He says she can't sacrifice or her family or even ask for maternity leave.
She asks why he can't quit his job.
He says it's the first break he's having in years.
She asks if he now wants her to give up her own big break.
He says she has a first class and can easily bounce back.
She says they have to look for a solution that works for both of them.

Laide and Freddie return home.
Sheila asks Freddie what she told him when he asked about going to see Yaya.
Laide says it wasn't his fault.
Sheila says he knows better and would face the consequences of his actions.
She sends him to his room

Laide asks Sheila what's going on..
Sheila tells her everything is under control.
Laide says it's not fair that Sheila has been fighting everyone who tries to help.
Sheila says Yaya is her sister and not Laide, so she should trust she has it covered.

Zane gets to the hotel and asks Serena if chief is still alive.
She is shocked.
She asks why he would say that.
He says Alexis told him and she ran because he was abusive.
Serena says Alexis started imagining things.
Zane asks if he's alive or dead.
Serena says he's dead.
Zane asks why Alexis thinks he's alive.
Serena says she doesn't know.
She walks away from him and asks if he really thinks she would tell Alexis that she killed Chief.

She says she didn't mean for it to happen that day, he was beating her up as usual and she didn't fight back because she knows it will only prolong the pain then he started to choke her.
Zain tells her not to say anymore.
She says she grabbed the nearest thing she could find, it was supposed to knock him out but he was just laying there and there was so much blood.

Zane says maybe she didn't kill him.
She says he was rushed to the hospital and the doctors couldn't save him, so she took Alexis into hiding and heard the news of his death.
Zane says he was hoping she was lying about killing him.
He asks if he was really abusive.

She turns around and shows him her back.
What he sees shocks him.
He asks why she didn't tell him.
She says she tried.
He holds her then asks if Chief mistreated Alexis.
She says he said she wasn't ripe enough.
He says he's so sorry
She begs him to keep it a secret because the police are looking for her.
He says her secret is safe with him and he wouldn't let anyone touch her again.
He holds her and she smiles to herself like one whose plan has fallen into place.

Segun informs Sankey that Yaya now has a lawyer and they are trying to arraign her as soon as possible.
Sankey looks uninterested but says it's nice.
He asks if that's all she would say.

Sheila calls Sankey to tell her contact has been made.
Sankey tells her to stay vigilant.

She ends the call and picks her bag.
Segun asks where she's going.
She says she going to eat.

Segun calls detective Christy and says he has something she needs to know.

Maro is in the office.
She gets a call from Tolu and tells him Brenda is not in yet.
He tells her they have some serious talk about their future.
She says she would make out time so they can talk.

Detective Christy comes to see Sheila.
She says Yaya is about to be arraigned and if Sheila goes back on her testimony, she would be prosecuted alongside Yaya.
Sheila says it's not a problem she won't go back on her testimony.

Christy asks why Sankey keeps reaching out to her.
Sheila says she keeps hounding her for information on Tsav.
Christie tells her not to worry about Sankey.


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