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'Tinsel' Season 9 Episode 2014 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 12 April 2017

Telema is pacing up and down the room.
Bimpe tells her to call the FCA agent and explain.
Telema says she tried and it seems the man is out to get her.
She asks if Bimpe can imagine her in jail.
Bimpe gives her the phone and tells her to try harder.

Telema calls Mr. Adesanmi.
He asks if she has decided to do the right thing and refund all the money.
Telema says she has not committed any crime.
He says she can tell that to the donors.
Telema says her terms of agreement with the donors was very clear.
He says it was clear enough that she had to go on a gossip show to discuss it.
He warns her to refund it all or else...

Bimpe ways he didn't change his mind.
Telema says he didn't and he's not going to, how long before they come to arrest her.
Bimpe tells her to calm down.
Telema calls Kayode to say she needs his help and he should come over.

Brenda is on the phone with someone, saying she needs their help.
Zane walks in and she changes the topic.
He asks who she was talking to.
She says it was a client.
He heads for the door and she asks where he's going.
He says he's going to see Serena.
She asks what else.
He says he's handing it.
She says it means it is yet to be sorted.
He tells her to stop questioning every decision he makes, especially when it comes to Serena and Alexis.

Brenda says when a woman wants something, she will stop at nothing to get it.
Zane says Serena will never have him.
He assures her that she(Brenda) has him and always will.
He says he would be taking Alexis out later, he wants to spend some time with her before Serena leaves.
Brenda is about to protest but she remembers what he said about her interfering.
She says it's okay as she is his daughter.
He gives her a peck on the cheek and leaves.

Kayode is at Telema's.
She tells him everything.
He says the FCA agent can't just arrest her like that.
He advises her to get a layer.
She asks where she would get the money to hire one.
He says he can help with that.
Telema says her name is already being dragged through the mud and she wants the nightmare to be over.

He asks how she wants that to happen if she doesn't fight them.
She says if she could just pay off the donors.
He says he would help her with that.
She hugs him and thanks him.

Segun enters Sankey's office and asks if she's still enjoying the triumph of capturing Tsav.
Sankey says they won the battle but the war is far from over.
Segun says the suspects still need to be convicted but it doesn't stop her from enjoying the victory.
Sankey asks what victory when her friend is dead, the suspects are either dead or at large.
He asks if she thinks there are some more suspects.
She says she does but it's difficult to prove.
He says his advice is for her to let it go, she has caught Tsav and should let the court do the rest.

As if on cue, Tsav's lawyer walks in.
She says she has some questions she needs answered.
Sankey says it's funny because she told her client not to answer any questions.
The lawyer says she did.
Sankey says in that case, she should take her questions to the courtroom where her client would be convicted of multiple counts of murder.
The lawyer says a little birdie told her Sankey has expressed strong doubts of Tsav being responsible for the murder of Angela Dede and others.
Sankey asks who told her.
The lawyer says it was a little birdie.
Sankey asks why she would arrest him if she didn't think he did it.
The lawyer says he did something, started a chain of events.
She says Sankey can either answer the questions now or be forced to do so under oath at the trial.
Segun tells her she has no right to say such to Sankey.

The lawyers asks Sankey if she really believes Tsav murdered Angela and the others.
Sankey says she already answered.
The lawyer says Sankey is being evasive and that tells her all she needs to know.
Sankey wishes her the best of luck.
She says she would find out why she kept investigating even after she was taken off the case and what the investigations revealed.

Zane and Alexis are out having drinks.
He asks if she misses her boyfriend.
She goes 'Euuwwwwww!'
He says that's good and it would stay like that.
He asks if she likes living with Brenda.
She says she likes it.
He asks how she would like to live with him and Brenda more.
She asks if her mummy can come too
He says she can visit her mummy anytime she wants.
She asks if they can see her mummy on the way back.

At work, Bimpe looks at a file and says some clients are funny.
Damini asks how she can sit and pretend everything is okay with them.
Bimpe says she's not pretending, she's dealing with it, so should he.
He says she keeps acting like it's his fault.
Bimpe loses it.
She says it's his fault and it's about Bisola.
He asks what Bisola has to do with anything.
Bimpe says she is pregnant with his baby.
He holds his head, trying to process the overload of information he was just given.
She realises she just made a blunder.

St John joins Sheila in the living room and asks if he's disturbing her quiet time.
Sheila says she can do with the company.
He apologises to her.
She asks what for.
He says she has grown into a strong woman and it comes with having to take a lot of tough calls to protect the ones we love.
She says one needs to do the right thing.
He says he should have trusted her
She tells him not to blame himself as he didn't know.
She says Yaya is still in custody and it's her fault.
He says he knows she can fix it.

Charles and Mimi are out on a date.
He says he needs to tell her something.
She asks if he's leaving her for another woman
He looks shocked.
She says she was just joking.
Tolu calls him on the phone.
He answers but his responses are in monosyllables.
After the call, he tells Mimi that it was Tolu.
She says it's cool.
He asks if she doesn't want to know why he called.
She says she has learnt, so if he wants to, he can tell, and if not, it's fine.

Brenda is parked on the road.
A private investigator gets in and she hands him a note.
He says it's an out of state job and it will cost her more.
She asks if he can find the person.
He says as long as he's alive and the information checks out.
She tells him to find the man.

Sankey's boss and Christy walk into Sankey's office.
The boss says he came to find out if there will be any surprises with the case.
Sankey says certain things she found out may put Tsav's culpability to question.
He asks if she thinks someone else is guilty of murdering the people.
She says she does.
He asks if she has them in custody.
She says no.
He asks if she has the confession of the suspects.
She answers in the negative again.
He asks if she has apprehended any.
She says besides Tsav, no.
He asks if she knows where they might be.
She says some are dead.
He asks why they are having the discussion.
He brings up the issue of the deal she made with Sheila.
Sankey says they should release Yaya now that they have Tsav.
He laughs and says he's not sure why she thinks she has the authority to make such deals.

Damini asks how Bisola can be pregnant.
Bimpe says he's asking her.
He asks how she knows it.
She says what's important is that he's there for his unborn child.
He says if Bisola is pregnant, then he's not the father
Bimpe asks if he's denying it.
He says he hasn't been with Bisola in 5 months and if the baby is his, it should be showing by now.
Bimpe asks if he's saying Bisola is lying.
He says Bisola lied and he wouldn't put it past her.

Sankey says they were running out of options and Sheila came up with the plan herself.
The boss says the plan can only work if Tsav pleads guilty.
He tells her to be careful dealing with them.
She says she knows.
He says Yaya will remind in custody.
He warns her not to spring up any surprises; he would like to be privy to any developments henceforth.

Brenda returns home.
She hears a knock and opens the door.
She sees Serena and tries to shut the door but Serena holds it and says she came to apologise and talk about everything.
Brenda asks if she will also talk about Chief.
Serena says she would talk about chief and she needs Brenda to hear her out.

Catch TINSEL on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) Weekdays at 8:30 pm C.A.T

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