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'Tinsel' Season 9 Episode 2019 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 19 April 2017

Chuks is at Ziggy’s.
Frank asks how he and Ene are enjoying their new place.
Chuks says it's when there is peace they can enjoy.
Frank asks what they are fighting about.
Chuks tells him about Ene's promotion and transfer.
He says she's taking his decision on the matter personal.
Frank says he understands why she is that way.
Chuks says she will find another job.
Frank says it's tough out there.
Chuks says Ene is a genius and will definitely get something else.
Frank says he hopes so.

Zane is in the hotel room, looking out the window, while Alexis sleeps on the bed.
Serena holds him from behind, startling him.
She says he's been in a foul mood lately and asks if he's still mad at that old woman.
He tells her to watch her mouth.
Serena tells him that Brenda doesn't get him or understand where he's coming from; she (Serena) gets him and understands his game like no other would be able to.
He says he knows but he has moved on.
She says he won't be saying that when he sees what she has for him.
She tugs the belt of the dressing gown she is wearing.

He tries to stop her by holding her hand, saying Alexis night wake up and see.
Serena falls down.
Alexis wakes up and jumps to her mother's side.
She tells Zane not to beat her mummy.
Zane says he didn't beat her.
Alexis asks why he pushed her.
Serena says he didn't beat her.
Alexis reminds Serena that she said Zane was different.
Zane asks if it's about chief.
Alexis says he always used to beat mummy that's why they ran away.
Serena is sobbing.

Yaya is alone with Sankey.
She tells Sankey that it doesn't make any sense.
She asks where Tsav is.
Sankey says they just brought him in.
Yaya begs to be allowed to see him.
Sankey tells her to just go home.
Yaya says she can't leave without seeing him.
Sankey says she would try but she's not promising anything.

Yaya enters the interrogation room to see Tsav.
She runs to give him a hug then asks why he did it.
He says he promised to take care of her.
She says not like this.
He assures her that everything would be fine.
She asks how he can be sure.
He tells her to go to their old spot, he left something there for her there.
Sankey enters and says time up.

Brenda is still wiping her tears.
She receives a call from Chief asking where they can meet or if she would rather tell him where he can find his wife.
Brenda suggests they meet first tonight, she would send him the address.
John informs her that Kwame is not feeling well.
Brenda tells Chief that their meeting would have to be tomorrow morning.

She rushes to the bedroom to see Kwame.

Bimpe is at Ene's place.
She says she wishes she could just go to a spa and chill.
Ene says she's the lucky one.
Bimpe says she's sorry for being so insensitive.
Ene says it's her fault for marrying such a selfish man.
Telema enters and says something is going on in Ene's kitchen, a section of the floor is very hot.
Bimpe says she noticed too.
Ene says she also did.
Telema says it needs to be checked out as it might be an electrical fault.

Sheila returns home.
Laide asks how Yaya is.
Sheila says she has been released.
Laide says that's great news.
St. John asks if there's any news about Tsav.
Sheila says he's back in custody
St. John says they have to now wait for the sentence.
Sheila says at least he won't be getting the death sentence.

Serena is now properly dressed.
She apologises to Zane.
He asks why she lied to him about killing Chief.
She says she didn't kill him but wishes she did and if she tells Zane what Chief did to her, he would want to kill him too.
Zane asks if he touched his child.
Serena is quiet.
Zane asks again, enunciating every word.
Serena says never, she would die first.
Zane asks what he did to her.
She tells him to think of every imaginable abuse, he didn't touch Alexis but she had to watch her mother suffer.
She says she didn't want Zane to get involved in the mess.
Zane says a man hurts the mother of his child and emotionally traumatised his child, yet she tells him not to get involved.
He asks where he can find Chief.
She says he sent her an email saying she should come back if she wants her brother to live and she hasn't been able to reach her brother since.
Zane asks how she could keep it away from him or the police.
She says he has the police wrapped around his finger and he's a dangerous man.
Zane says so is he.
He tells her to swear that all she has told him is the truth.
She swears.

Charles is in his office.
Mimi walks in.
He says he thinks her interview went really well,
She says she thought so too.
He says she knows the place like the back of her hand and has a solid history with Odyssey.
She thanks him, smiling.
He says it's for those reasons that he has decided to go with someone else for the job.
Her face falls and the smile dies.
She asks if he's for real.
He says he's afraid that if he gives her the job, there will be a problem of over familiarity and he needs someone who can be impartial and ruthless if needed.
He tells her there will be opportunities for her to go up the ladder but this role is not the right fit for her.
She says she understands.
He tells her it's nothing personal.

Court is in session.
The judge asks the defense if they have anything to say.
Tsav's lawyer says it's her client's wish that they do not contest any of the assertions put forward by the prosecutor.
Tsav suddenly looks scared and unsure of the plea he took.

Chuks returns home to find Ene in the living room.
He asks if she's still mad at him.
He joins her on the couch and she moves away.
He says he's sorry but his family means more to him than any job, she's smart, talented and hard working, every employer's dream and he's sure she will get another job soon.
He asks if she can find it in her heart to forgive him.
She tells him to get an electrician to look at a spot in the kitchen.
He asks if that's what she has to say to him, he's trying to make it work.
She tells him to get her her job back then.

Brenda is with chief at a restaurant.
He asks how she found out about him.
She says it's not important.
He asks if Serena told her anything about him.
She asks why it matters.
He asks why she's trying to help them mend their relationship.
Brenda says it's not necessary.
He says it's obvious Brenda doesn't like her.
He asks if she's trying to get rid of her.
Brenda says it seems her coming was a mistake.
He begs her to wait.

She sits back down.
He asks what Serena told her about him.
Brenda says she said he beats her and treated her like an animal.
He says Serena would never change, she lies a lot; anytime they have a little misunderstanding, she would paint him black.
Brenda asks if he's saying he didn't beat her
He tells Brenda to look at him and say if he looks like one who can beat anyone.
Brenda says she wouldn't know.
She asks why he's desperate to find her.
He says she's his wife, mother of his son.
Brenda is shocked.
He says so Serena didn't tell her that and that she left with his 6 million naira.
He says he just wants peace and wants to know where to find her.
Brenda sends him a text and says she just sent the hotel address and room number.
He stands up.

She asks if he won't even say thank you.
He says she's lucky he's in a good mood otherwise he would have smashed her head against the table and left her with a broken skull but he would leave his anger for Serena and her little thwart.
Brenda's jaw drops.
He calls her an idiot and walks out.

In the courtroom, the judge addresses Tsav.
She says she prevented victims and the public from attending the session so that tempers will not run too high like they did at the arraignment but it is expedient that a verdict is delivered swiftly, so court will take a brief recess to prepare the verdict.

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