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'Tinsel' Season 9 Episode 2021 Recap - Aired: Friday 21 April 2017

Chuks is at work.
He calls Ene to ask why she's behaving like this.
He asks if it's till their house catches fire before she will bring the money for the repairs.
She asks if he wants to blackmail her.
He begs her to say she has some money.
Ene says she doesn't.
He says some men are coming to the house to start the job and she needs to give them some money. She asks if he wants to use strong voice now?
He tells her to leave it and let the house catch fire.
She says the house won't catch fire.
He tells her to do the right thing; he will be coming to the house as soon as the guys are ready.

Aunty Nenye who is in the living room with Ene, asks what it is about their house catching fire.
Ene says it's nothing.

Chief sits on the bed and rubs Serena's leg then yanks it hard.
She screams then goes on her knees to beg him.
He slaps her and calls her an idiot.
Alexis jumps on him and pushes him.
He shoves her on to a chair.
He uses his walking stick to hit Serena on the head.
Alexis bites him on the leg and he pushes her away, threatening to smash her with his leg.
Serena tells Alexis to run.

The police enter the room.
Chief tells them that Serena is a thief, he gave her a lift and she stole his money.
The officer in charge tells him they know everything and they are arresting him.

Aunty Nene is trying to ask Ene what the issue is.
Ene tells her to just take care of Amara while she goes to the ATM.

As she opens the door, Chuks walks in.
He tries to talk to her but she pushes past him and leaves.

Aunty Nenye tries to find out what's going on from Chuks.
Chuks asks if Ene told her anything.
Aunty Nenye says she refused to say.
Chuks tells her to ask Ene.

Sankey meets up with Alhaji in their regular abandoned building site.
She tells him to back off as the thing is over.
He feigns ignorance.
Sankey says she knows his guys tried to capture Tsav and he has been bullying Sheila.
He says her choice of word is intriguing.
Sankey says Tsav didn't kill Angela.
He asks who did.
She says he already got the only person left, which is Kingsley.
He says the meeting is over.
She says he can't dismiss her like his he does his minions.
She says she loved Angela and she wanted justice too and they got it but Tsav is not the culprit and Alhaji needs to back off otherwise she would come for him.
He says the world has turned on it's head as Sankey is threatening him.
She says it's not a threat between two criminals, it's a warning from an officer of the law to a...
She is unable to find the words to describe him,
She tells him to consider himself warned and to know prison is still as uncomfortable as it was when he was there.
She walks away.

Joanne is at Sheila's.
Sheila tells her about her visit to Yaya's and the hurtful things Yaya said.
Joanne says she hopes Yaya got it out of her system.
Sheila says she thinks it's the start of another cold war.
Joanne says Yaya is her sister and would come around.
Sheila says Yaya considers Tsav more her brother than Sheila's.
She says she should have listened to Joanne's advice.
Joanne says it's done and she shouldn't kick herself about it.
Sheila says she messed up, everyone is hurting and she should have chosen her family over it all.
Joanne says she did that in a roundabout way and saved Tsav from a worse fate; if Tsav and Yaya think deeply about it, they would agree with her.
Sheila asks if she thinks so.
She looks hopeful.

There is a knock on the door of the hotel room.
Serena asks who it is.
Zane responds.
She lets him in.
He asks what happened because the hotel manager said someone came.
Serena says Chief came around.
Zane's heart stops.
He asks if Chief hit her.
She says he only slapped her.
He asks if he touched Alexis.
Serena holds Alexis and shakes her head.
He suggests they go to the hospital but she says she's fine.
Zane pulls them both close and says he's so sorry.
He tells them he's going to the police station and they should make sure they lock the door.
Alexis begs him not to leave them.
Serena begs him to allow them come with him.
He agrees.

Aunty Nenye is on her way out.
She tells Ene to let the work men know to keep the noise down because Amara is sleeping.
Chuks enters the living room and tells Ene that the men are about to start.

Ene gives him the money.
Aunty Nenye asks if the area they want to work on is the area near the fridge.
Chuks says she's correct.
Aunty Nenye says she was wondering when the place always felt hot.
Chuks is about to go into detail but Ene interrupts and asks Aynty Nenye if she's not going anymore.
Aunty Nenye tells them to behave, then she leaves.

Ene asks if Chuks wanted to use Aunty Nenye against her.
Chuks sits next to her on the couch and calls her name in a teasing manner.
She asks if he's ready to admit he can't tend to the needs of the family on his own.
He says he's broke, not unemployed and his salary may be small but it's better for them to be together and manage it as a family.
She says 'Whatever'.
He tells her she's one of the smartest people he knows and she will find a job in no time.
He gives her a peck on the cheek then goes to the kitchen.
Ene wipes the spot he kissed.

Yaya walks into Yahimba's room at the mental health facility.

Yahimba is seated on the couch, staring into space as usual.

Yaya checks behind the painting and finds nothing.
She mumbles to herself.

Yahimba says 'Just what does one have to do to get some sleep around here?'.

Yaya is stunned.
She calls her mother.
Yahimba tells her to keep her voice down.

Charles is at work.
He gets a call from a livid Tolu.
Charles asks why he's shouting and tells him to calm down

Tolu tells him all Jonathan heard Nnenna say.
Charles is shocked.
He says he has no idea why Nnenna said such things but he will get to the bottom of it.

Yahimba asks Yaya if she would answer her question.
Yaya is still trying to understand what's going on.
She asks if Yahimba just got better or she's been pretending the entire time.
Yahimba laughs and says finally her brain kicks into gear.
Yaya asks if it means she's been listening to all her conversations with Tsav.
Yahimba says she heard the conversations with ungrateful Sheila too, who couldn't even bring herself to give her mother a proper hug.
Yaya is shocked.
Yahimba asks if she wanted her to let herself be taken back home where their people were waiting to lynch her?
All Yaya can says is 'Wow!'.
Yahimba says Yaya and her siblings have given her so much trouble in the facility that she almost regretted her decision.
Yaya says it's not like they knew she was aware.
Yahimba says even Tsav was so stupid that if she hadn't warned him about Sheila's trap, he would have walked into to it.
Yaya says so it was her?
Yahimba says enough of all that, they should leave things the way they have always been.
Yaya asks if she means going back to pretending.
Yahimba asks what other options she has, allow them take her back home and kill her just like they are going to kill Tsav?
Yaya says they are really going to kill him.

Yahimba starts crying.
Yaya holds her and they cry together.

Nnenna is with Mimi in the conference room.
She tells her about the encounter with Jonathan and says he almost cried.
Mimi says he should go to his house and cry; he thinks he can just come and take over.

Charles walks in and asks Nnenna why she's not at her desk.
Nnenna says she was telling Mimi something.
He asks if it has anything to do with her unfounded slandering of Odyssey.
She looks confused.
He says she said Odyssey was owing salaries and people get physically assaulted there.
Nnenna tries to explain.
He tells her to address him as Mr. Charles and not Charles.

Mimi feigns ignorance and asks what's going on.
Charles says Nnenna said some horrible things to Jonathan.
He reminds Nnenna that he warned her to watch her steps.
He orders her to go and pack her things as she's fired.
Nnenna tells Mimi to say something.
Charles tells Nnenna to leave.

Nnenna says Mimi told her to do it.
Mimi asks what she's taking about.
Nnenna tells her to just stop it if it's a joke.
She tells Charles that Mimi told her to stop Jonathan from coming into the company to take over.
Mimi tries to deny but Charles warns her to stop.
He asks her how Nnenna found out that Jonathan had practically gotten the job when it was only her her (Mimi) told.
Mimi is unable to answer.

Shoshanna and friends are still waiting on the side of the road.

Derek arrives with two other guys.
The guy driving complains to Derek that the place doesn't look like a wedding venue.
Derek points to Shoshanna and says 'There she is'.
The men get out of the vehicle.

The girls walk up to them.
Sho hugs Derek and says they've been waiting.
The man who drove asks Derek if Sho is his partner.
Derek says she is.
The man tells his assistant to escort her into the vehicle.
Shoshanna is confused.
The man, who happens to be a policeman, tells her she's under arrest.

Salewa and Helen call after Shoshanna as they take her away.

Alexis, Zane and Serena enter Sankey's office to meet Brenda waiting.
She panics when she sees them and asks Zane what's going on.
He says Serena got attacked by Chief.
He apologises for doubting her.
She tells him it's fine.

Sankey walks in.
Brenda tells Sankey that she just came to find out about the Tsav Guardia case.
Sankey looks confused.
Brenda gives her an eye signal so Sankey plays along.

Yaya says Sheila used her to get to Tsav.
Yahimba is back in her zombie mode.
Yaya laughs and says she really said she wanted things to get back to the way they were.
She says she has to get used to the fact that she's on her own now, she prays Philip doesn't die, Sheila is dead to her, Yahimba is dead to the world and Tsav is on death row.
Yahimba continues to stare into space, not breaking character.

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