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'Tinsel' Season 9 Episode 2023 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 25 April 2017

Bimpe returns home and asks Telema if there is food.
Telema says she has to tell her what Damini said first.
Bimpe says he hasn't said anything but she's on his case.
Telema thanks her.
Bimpe asks what will happen if Damini doesn't take the film on.
Telema asks if he said anything.
Bimpe says he didn't but she just wants to know.
Telema says she doesn't know what she would do.
Bimpe reminds her that she's an actress, a respectable one at that so she needs to start attending auditions.
Telema says she would think about it.
Bimpe says there is nothing to think about and she would send her some information on upcoming auditions.

She picks up her bag to leave and Telema asks where she's going.
Bimpe says she's meeting up with Damini for drinks.
Telema asks why she was asking for food then
Bimpe says she doesn't want to go and have drinks on an empty stomach like all these hungry Lagos girls.

Yaya begs Amaka to hear her out.
Amaka says if it has to do with Tsav she doesn't want to hear it.
Yaya says Tsav is in prison and can't hurt her anymore.
Amaka says thank goodness.
Yaya says he's been sentenced to death and even if they appeal the sentence, he will most likely stay in prison for the rest of his life.
Amaka asks if she's supposed to care.
Yaya tries to speak but Amaka says Tsav killed people at her wedding, her son got injured and her brother who is Yaya's husband is still abroad for treatment so why would Yaya want to sweep all that away?
Yaya says she's not doing that and she got injured too.
Amaka says if she can still find it in her heart to forgive him and wants to keep seeing Tsav, it's up to her but she shouldn't bring the issue up again because she would be very upset.
Yaya apologizes and leaves.

Zane returns to the hotel room from a workout.
Alexis and Serena are having breakfast.

Alexis asks him if he's going somewhere.
He says he's going to work.
Alexis asks if she can come with him.
Zane says she can't come with him but he will make sure she's safe and he will come back early so they can go out and do something fun.
He tells her to go and take a shower.

Alexis leaves.

Serena tells him he's good with Alexis.
He asks why Chief is desperate to find her.
She says she didn't do anything, Chief is psycho.
He says Chief can have any woman he wants so why embark on a nationwide search for her?
Serena says he has a big ego.
Zane asks her to tell him everything from the beginning and not skip any details this time.

Serena says Zane has no idea the nightmare she was living in, Chief is a sadist that gets really excited when he inflicts pain on others.
Zane says chief never touched Alexis.
Serena says not in that way but he hit her a couple of times.
Zane is furious. He says she allowed him hit his child.
Serena says she didn't let him, he locked her up in a cupboard.
Zane asks why she didn't tell him or her family.
She says chief threatened to hurt her family if she ran to them and he kept spending money on them so they thought he was a saint.
Zane says so she couldn't leave?
She says a driver took her everywhere and reported to him.
He asks how she escaped.
She says Chief travelled and she had been saving some money so she put sleeping pills in the driver's food and she ran with Alexis.
He asks if no other domestic staff saw her
She says she lied to them that Chief sent her on an errand so she ran to the bus park and took a bus to the next town then kept moving from there till she got to Lagos and called him.
She says she knew she had to get to the one person in this world who really cares about her and her daughter, him.

He gets a phone call and excuses himself.

Dikibo comes to see Amaka in the morning.
She asks if there is a problem.
He says he's traveling to the states then will also spend some time in Europe.
She asks if it's in business.
He says he also wants to give her some space.
She says she doesn't know what he's talking about.
He says she does and when he gets back, he wants them to finally conclude their wedding, so she should use the time to think and get some proper perspective.
She asks what about.
He says to know if she still wants him.
She says she never said she didn't want him.
He says she's also not saying she wants him so she should think and decide what she wants, no pressure.
Amaka says he's always been good to her and thoughtful.
He says he will be on his way
She says for what it's worth, she's going to miss her Santa Clause.
He doesn't respond.

Telema calls Kayode.
He asks why she sounds upset.
She says he should remind her never to listen to Bimpe again, she just got humiliated, people can be so mean.
Kayode says he has to head back into a meeting and will call her back.
She asks if he can come by later because she can really use some comforting.
He says he would have to call her first because he doesn't know how his day is going to turn out.
She says okay.
He tells her he loves her.
She says she loves him too.

Yaya gets a call from her doctor who complains that she has missed more than 3 appointments.
Yaya says a lot has been happening but she will try and stop by soon.
The doctor tells her to try and come as soon as possible, so she can know instead of staying away in fear.

Nnenna and Oris are at the reception, talking.
She says she doesn't see anything so difficult in Mimi's job.
Oris says she just be a joker.

A colleague walks in and tells Nnenna he has been looking for her.
She says she's on tea break and whatever it is can wait.
As she gets to the door, Charles walks in.
He asks her and Oris to step into his office.

In Charles' office, Oris says he's sorry as he should have turned in the second draft of the story by now.
Charles asks Nnenna where she was yesterday evening.
She says she was with Oris in the conference room.
He asks Oris what his job is.
Oris says he's a writer.
He asks Nnenna what hers is.
She says she's a front desk executive.
He tells her she's a receptionist.
He asks for the roles and duties of a receptionist.
She lists them.
He asks where she's supposed to carry out the duties from.
She says the reception.
He asks how she's supposed to do her job if she's not at her desk and he's tired of her cavalier attitude.
She says it would never happen again.
He says it's true because from now on, no more writing for her and if she wants to become a writer she might as well quit her job then apply to be a writer and if they have an opening and deem her qualified, they would consider it.
He tells Oris to finish the treatment before the end of the week.
Nnenna asks if she can say something.
He says no and if she has a problem with all he just said, she can tender her resignation.

Yaya has come to see Tsav again.
He asks if she saw Amaka.
She says she did.
He asks what she said.
She says she tried to deliver the message but Amaka was really busy and she couldn't but she will go again.
He calls her a lousy liar.
She says she tried to give Amaka the message but she didn't want to hear it.
Tsav says she's still upset with him.
Yaya says it's not that, Amaka hates him and doesn't care if he hangs so he should just let her go.

Bimpe is at work.
She looks at Damini's laptop and says it's just ten minutes of footage for all the work done.
She complains it's too much stress.
He says the benefits are far reaching.

Telema comes in.
She asks Damini if there is any word on Cotton Candy.
Damini says the budget for the year has already been allocated so they won't be able to take on the project.
She looks disappointed.
Bimpe asks if she went for the audition and to give her details.
Damini tells Bimpe that they have to work.
Telema leaves.

Bimpe is about to let Damini have it but he tells her to remember they are in an office, before she says anything.

Alexis is dressed up to go out with Daddy.
Serena asks why she's not smiling.
Alexis smiles and asks if Chief will be in prison forever.
Serena tells her not to bother about this because he would never bother them again.
Alexis says so they would all live with Daddy forever.
Zane comes in and Alexis tells him mummy says they will all live together forever.
He tells her to go and put on her shoes.

When she leaves, he tells Serena that he would never forgive her for letting that bastard touch his daughter and putting her in danger.
Serena reminds him that she's the victim.
He says Alexis would be safe with him.
She asks if he's threatening to take her daughter away from her.
Alexis returns and leaves with Zane.

The families of the victims of the wedding massacre are at Sheila's place.
Nero is also there.
She thanks them for coming and says they all know Tsav has been arrested and she's hoping it will be some sort of closure for them.
One of the family members thanks her for everything.

Amaka enters and sits beside Nero.

Another family member says she's still very upset and Tsav's hanging cannot bring her any satisfaction.
She breaks down.

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